Have you heard Farmer Debs on the radio recently? Our amazing farm manager does a segment on KUNR to talk gardening tips and tricks. Keep reading for the transcript of her segment on regenerative farming!

"Hi I’m Farmer Debs. Welcome to In the Weeds with Urban Roots, one of northern Nevada’s teaching farms.
Welcome to part one of our regenerative agriculture series! This is a five-part series where we talk about the benefits of soil health and steps we can take to get there. Today we’ll explore just what we mean when we talk about regenerative agriculture.
What is regenerative agriculture exactly? You may have heard us use this term before. For those who don’t know, regenerative agriculture implements practices based on environmentally friendly principles to repair damaged soils. It is a way of farming that doesn't rely on the use of pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals. Instead, regenerative farmers cultivate crops in harmony with the land's natural systems to increase biodiversity.
Implementing regenerative farming practices is important because it helps us keep our soil healthy and strong and keeps our environment clean. We live in a world where we are using our finite, natural resources very quickly . Techniques include cutting back on tillage, growing cover crops, and leaving crop residues. Thanks to regenerative farming, we can generate greater crops and consume healthier food all while reducing carbon footprints (the more we focus on small efforts close to home, the less we rely on freighting food back and forth).
To get a better understanding of these practices, we’ll dive into the fundamental principles known as 6-5-4-3. The 6 soil health principles, the 5 indicators of soil health, the 4 ecosystem processes and the 3 rules of adaptive stewardship. Join us next week for part two, the 6 soil health principles.
For more ways to strengthen your green thumb, visit us online at urgc.org. For KUNR, I’m Farmer Debs with Urban Roots."
To learn more about regenerative farming please join us on the farm on August 24th for SOIL PALOOZA! Enjoy family-friendly activities, farm fresh pizza and cocktails, alongside a panel discussion and demos with local gardening experts. This year find out all about food forests, the benefits, and how to grow your own at any scale! Learn more and buy tickets to the event here.